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Living in a Fish Bowl: COVID 19

Living in a Fish Bowl: COVID 19


Paint, Wood, Wax Paper, Fish Bowls, Clay, String

4" x 42" x 42"


Largely unaffected by and therefore unable to relate to several of the devastating effects of COVID 19, I feel as if I’ve been watched the rest of the world from a metaphorical fishbowl. Living in a Fish Bowl: COVID 19 attempts to work through these feelings of isolation. Nine scenarios from a variety of the devastating scenarios caused by the pandemic cover pieces of plywood cut into the outlines of fish bowls. Wax paper over the paintings creates a blurred effect and along with the plastic fish bowls, communicates a sense of detachment or inability to understand. Nine fish dangle and symbolically swim through the fish bowls. Their bright orange contrasts the blues and grays of the background. The plastic can be seen as both a protective layer but also a barrier. While the fish are safe, they are also unable to exist outside of the boundary of the fish bowl.

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